FTSmobileDJs has been nominated for the 2023 Idaho's Best Awards! 

     We could not be more excited and honored to have been selected! We hold this award very high as it solidifies all of the passion we put in behind the scenes and at each and every one of our events.

     Public voting is now open and we would love your support once again by voting for us. 

This Voting process takes only 4 steps and less than 5 min of time. 



You will be taken to this screen

Click the blue button on the website 

"Register your ballot"


Ballot Registration: Voter Info

Fill in your - First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile Number, ZIP Code

After, Click the Blue Button on the website "Register"


Voter Verification 

(This is for the final ballot registration)

Click the Blue Button on the website "Continue"

**You will receive a text on your phone


Enter the code you received in the text on your phone

After you enter your code received A voter rewards screen will load.

Enter your Text Code received

After you enter your code received A voter rewards screen will load.

Click on the "Claim" or "No Thanks" Button

A pop-up screen will appear with "Go Back" or "Lose Deals"

Click the "Lose Deals" option




We are honored and thankful for your support of our small business. We love everything about what we provide and the special moments we are a part of. 

     Have you read our reviews or seen our other social media sites to learn more about us?  This link has more info: #FTSmobileDJs 

We are pleased to announce the winners for Idaho’s Best of 2023 Business Awards are selected by Idaho residents!


Regional Winner – The best of a region for a particular category.

Panhandle – Lewiston, Moscow, Coeur d’Alene area, etc.